Lens on Leadership 

A weekly dose of leadership inspiration.

Short and sweet, these posts are the perfect snapshot to keep you motivated and inspired on your leadership journey! 



Lens on Leadership: You Are Enough ❤️

Sep 11, 2024

As simple as it seems, this statement carries a deep truth, especially for women in leadership.

In a world that often tells us to be more, do more, and prove our worth at every turn, this quote is a grounding reminder that you already have everything you need to be the leader you aspire to be. There’s no requirement to fit into a particular mold, achieve certain milestones, or seek validation from others. Leadership is not about outward accolades; it’s about the strength and confidence that come from within.

Leadership From Within

True leadership starts from a sense of self. When you accept that you are enough as you are, it frees you from the endless chase for perfection or approval. Too often, women, especially in leadership roles, feel the pressure to meet external expectations—whether it’s from colleagues, peers, or even ourselves. This pressure can lead to doubt, making us feel as though we must constantly prove our capability.

But here’s the truth: You are enough just as you are. Leadership doesn’t require you to be flawless. It requires authenticity, self-awareness, and the courage to trust your instincts.

Letting Go of the Need for Approval

As leaders, it’s natural to want to gain approval from others—whether it’s our teams, clients, or the communities we serve. But leadership rooted in seeking validation is fragile. It forces us to shift our actions based on others’ perceptions instead of aligning them with our values.

Angelou’s words remind us to let go of that need for approval. When you stop trying to prove yourself, you can lead with a sense of freedom. Your decisions come from a place of purpose rather than performance. Your voice grows stronger because it is driven by conviction, not the desire to please others.

You Have What It Takes

At the core of Angelou’s message is the idea that you already possess what it takes to lead. Leadership doesn’t require a title, an advanced degree, or years of experience—it requires a commitment to step up, speak out, and make decisions based on your values.

You don’t need to wait for someone else to give you permission to lead. You don’t have to meet some external standard before you’re “ready.” You are ready right now.

Embracing Imperfection in Leadership

Part of accepting that you are enough is recognizing that leadership involves imperfection. No leader has it all figured out. We all make mistakes, encounter challenges, and face moments of uncertainty. But what sets effective leaders apart is their willingness to embrace these moments, learn from them, and move forward with resilience.

In the context of Angelou’s quote, knowing you have nothing to prove allows you to embrace those imperfections without fear of judgment. It opens the door to authentic growth and leadership rooted in self-belief, not external validation.

A Call to Action: Lead Authentically

As you move through your leadership journey, let this quote serve as a reminder: you are enough. Trust in your abilities, lean into your strengths, and let go of the pressure to prove your worth to others. When you lead from this place of self-assurance, you inspire others to do the same.

Leadership is not about perfection or approval. It’s about showing up as yourself, fully and authentically, knowing that you already have what it takes to make a meaningful impact. You are enough.


You’ll hear me say this a lot (if you haven’t heard it already!) But it definitely deserves repeating because it’s easy to forget. When it comes to feeling qualified for a leadership position, especially one like elected office or a community board, if you care enough to consider it and to really want to make a difference, then you are qualified. Your life experiences make you qualified to represent yourself and others like you. If I had waited to feel “qualified”, I’d still be thinking about running for office rather than be finishing 12 years as an elected official. And I’m so glad I didn’t wait- I’ve been able to share my perspectives, represent working families, women, young people, etc. Having trouble figuring out how to take the next step? Check out my Aspiration to Action Blueprint to help with just that! 

The 2x20 Project

In this episode of The Good Life Project Podcast, the main host Jonathan Fields shares how he’s using 2 years to set up his next 20. I am just a year away from turning 40 and it got me thinking about what I want the next 10, 20 years to look like too. How can I use the next year or two to set my life up to really be what I want/ what do I even want?! This episode gave me a lot to think about and I think it will for you too. Check it out and let me know what you think! 

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