Lens on Leadership 

A weekly dose of leadership inspiration.

Short and sweet, these posts are the perfect snapshot to keep you motivated and inspired on your leadership journey! 



Lens on Leadership: Who runs the world? YOU

Jun 12, 2024

Leave it to Queen Bey to give us fire like this! This quote resonates so deeply with me because it speaks to the unique challenges we face in leadership positions. We're often bombarded with external expectations – the pressure to conform, to prove ourselves worthy, to play by someone else's rules. Beyoncé reminds us that true leadership comes from within. It's about silencing the noise and tuning into your own voice, your vision, and your message. Like so many things, that's easier said than done! I feel like after 12 years in elected office, I'm still working on it 🤪. 

So, how do we take Beyoncé's message from inspiring quote to actionable leadership principle? Here are three steps:

  1. Define Your "World": What areas of your life and career do you want to lead? Is it your team, a specific project, or your overall career trajectory? Getting clear on where you want to make an impact empowers you to set boundaries and make decisions with laser focus.
  2. Look Within: We all have that inner compass, that quiet knowing of what feels right. Meditation, journaling, or simply taking time for introspection can help you reconnect with your intuition. Personally, I use the opportunity to take a walk outside, an indoor cycle, or a hike to get my ideas flowing and look within. 
  3. Communicate with Confidence: Once you know your message or what you want to do, share it with conviction. Tell those closest to you to make it real and hold yourself accountable. Start sharing your vision wider and wider to make it a reality.

When we embrace our true selves, we inspire others to do the same. It opens doors for more diverse voices and perspectives, paving the way for a more equitable and successful leadership landscape.

Remember, friends, your world is waiting for you to lead it. So, take Beyoncé's advice, follow your heart, and – quite literally – run your world!

In the world of leadership, there are countless qualities we strive for: decisiveness, clear communication, and the ability to inspire. But one skill sits at the foundation of it all: problem-solving

Why is problem-solving so important? It positions you as a leader who can not only weather storms but also navigate your team towards calmer waters. It fosters trust and respect, demonstrating your ability to take initiative and find results.

Remember, being a problem-solver isn't about having all the answers. It's about having the confidence to tackle challenges head-on and the skills to find effective solutions. So, the next time you encounter an obstacle, embrace it as an opportunity to showcase your leadership.


New Episode!: Leading with Courage and Conviction: Eden Morris discusses Leadership, Resilience, and Nutrition 

I am super excited to share the newest episode of the Ladies in Leadership Podcast where I have a conversation with Eden Morris, owner of Teton Performance Nutrition, Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and former collegiate athlete. Eden consistently shows up to question the norm, lead with integrity, and always speaks her voice. I admire her confidence and leadership!  

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