Lens on Leadership 

A weekly dose of leadership inspiration.

Short and sweet, these posts are the perfect snapshot to keep you motivated and inspired on your leadership journey! 



Lens on Leadership: how to feel connected now

Jul 03, 2024

The news has me down lately (what else is new), mostly because of recent supreme court decisions. I can't help but feel a little helpless, frustrated, scared, and angry that justice isn't there, that rights are being taken, that American laws continue to fall in the favor of corporations and the rich instead of the people. Blah. 

I don't like to wallow or go too far down the rabbit hole into despair. I also don't want to turn a blind eye to the problems of the world. So instead I choose to find and focus on the good, what I can do to make a difference, and what I can encourage others to do as well. This quote from The Hobbit, helps lift my spirits and focus on the good. Its easy to meet hate with hate, to meet anger with more anger, to fall into the practice of "if I'm not treated fairly, then I won't treat that person fairly either." But I like to believe we can turn the tides one act at a time and it's up to each of to decide which way we will turn them- better or worse. 

Start small- next time you get cut off while driving, instead of letting road rage take over, let it roll off. When you have the urge to complain about something, think instead of what you're grateful for in the moment. If we can collectively shift our mindsets and focus on the good, little by little, we can shift the world around us for the better. 

Did you know? This tip is straight from my Aspiration to Action Blueprint which is designed to help you go from feeling overwhelmed/ helpless to make a difference to having a plan to make positive change.

It might sound simple but the first step to making an impact in your life or community is to acknowledge that you want to be a force for change, that you want to make a difference. Maybe you are tired of feeling overwhelmed by negativity or doomscrolling on social media. Maybe you feel helpless to the events happening. Or maybe you are optimistic and hopeful and know you want to help make things better in your community. Where ever that feeling of wanting to make an impact comes from, acknowledge that it’s there and you want to do something about it!

Check out the steps to help make it happen and the rest of the blueprint here! 

The Transformative Power of Awe

While this episode starts out with a death, it shifts to how impactful the feeling/ state of awe is for our mind. Here's the intro: It's the goosebumps you get at the crescendo of your favorite song; the stupefying wonder that comes with witnessing a birth or a death; the astonishing mystery we feel when gazing at the vast night sky. This is awe — a complex, often overwhelming emotion that can elicit everything from pleasure and connectedness to a crawling sense of uncertainty. Moments of awe can create unforgettable memories — and they can have a lasting impact on our minds and the way we interact with others.

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