Lens on Leadership 

A weekly dose of leadership inspiration.

Short and sweet, these posts are the perfect snapshot to keep you motivated and inspired on your leadership journey! 



Lens on Leadership: Own Your Power

Apr 10, 2024

This quote hits home for me. I have had times of feeling powerless even while in a position of power! I don' know about you, but even knowing that we each hold power in our own way, the biggest hurdle I often face is internal – the doubt whispering that we lack the experience, skills, or the power to lead.

Here's the truth, friends: you already have the power. Your unique perspective, your lived experiences, your strengths – these are the very things that make you a phenomenal leader. It's time to recognize the power in your voice, your ideas, and your ability to connect. 

You have navigated complex situations, rallied support for a cause you believe in, or inspired others with your vision. Those are all leadership muscles you've already been building.

This week, challenge yourself to:

  • Reframe your self-talk. Instead of "I can't," say "I'm ready to learn and grow."
  • Step outside your comfort zone. Volunteer for a project, raise your hand in a meeting.
  • Seek out mentors and sponsors. Find women who believe in you and can help you navigate the path. I'm here for you too!

Remember, leadership isn't about having all the answers. It's about courage, collaboration, and the willingness to make a difference. Embrace your power. 

I have a love/hate relationship with this phrase. It used to stress me out because I didn't really know what it meant. What does it mean to be authentic? It seems like such a buzz word but how do you tap into your authentic self? Maybe me sharing this with you, is just that, showing up as my authentic self.

One thing I have found as a woman in politics, is that people have a LOT of opinions about how you should do this or that. How you should show up to a conversation, how you should lead, how you should conduct yourself. I still have people telling me I need to speak up more, that I need to lead differently. It took me some time to get to the point where I don't let those unsolicited opinions get to me. Now, I show up as myself and I know that's what got me elected. 

The article below also helped me think about my authentic self- so click that link! What does being authentic mean to you? 

Mastering Authentic Leadership: A Roadmap for Success

This article shares 3 simple steps to be your authentic self. Check it out and let me know what resonates! 

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