Lens on Leadership 

A weekly dose of leadership inspiration.

Short and sweet, these posts are the perfect snapshot to keep you motivated and inspired on your leadership journey! 



Lens on Leadership: Ensuring your Influence Endures

Sep 25, 2024

As Fall is here and we get closer to the end of the year, my time as Mayor is coming to an end too. I can see layout of the calendars, the schedule of town business that needs to wrap up before the end of the year aka my term. It’s getting real. 

I can’t help but reflect on my 12 years in office- what legacy am I leaving behind? What will people remember my time in office for? I’m not ready to do a deep dive into all the things I’ve accomplished, or rather all the things I’ve been part of accomplishing. I’ll share that as a true close out to my term. 

But for now, this quote has me inspired and thinking about how making those around you better or strive for me is so much of being a good leader. Helping and encouraging folks to be the best they can be is something that I value when it’s given to me and, in turn, I share with others. Whether I’m mayor or not, elected or not, it’s something I will keep doing. 

As we consider the impact we can have on those around us, here are three practical ways you can inspire and encourage others to bring forth their best selves:

1. Foster an Environment of Support and Encouragement: One of the most significant ways to encourage others is to create an environment where they feel safe to express themselves and take risks. This means offering support and constructive feedback, rather than criticism. Show appreciation for their efforts and achievements, no matter how small. A supportive environment can boost confidence and motivate individuals to strive for more. For instance, during my term, I aimed to make our town meetings spaces where everyone felt heard and valued, encouraging community members to participate and share their ideas.

2. Lead by Example: The power of example cannot be overstated. When you demonstrate dedication, integrity, and passion in your actions, you naturally inspire those around you to emulate these traits. Show that you are committed to continuous personal and professional growth, and share your learning experiences. As mayor, I have strived to model the behaviors I hope to see in others, such as resilience in the face of challenges and openness to new ideas and perspectives.

3. Empower Others: True encouragement involves empowering others. This can be through delegating meaningful tasks that stretch their capabilities or providing opportunities for learning and growth. Show trust in their abilities to handle significant responsibilities and guide them in developing their skills. Empowerment also means encouraging others to take initiative and lead projects or areas they are passionate about. This not only helps them grow but also instills a sense of ownership and pride in their contributions.

These approaches are not limited to formal leadership positions; they are strategies that anyone can implement to foster a positive and productive atmosphere, whether in a professional setting or within the community. And leaders who embody these practices are certainly ones to remember. 


The Survival of the Fittest… or the Kindest? 

The Happiness Lab is doing a series about “hope for cynics” which is something we can all glean some pointers from. I don’t consider myself a cynic by any means but I can certainly get down on the state of the world. This episode was particularly entertaining and interesting so go listen! 

When I’m feeling down on the world, I focus on what I can do, where I can make a difference- small quick wins help! Check out my Aspiration to Action Blueprint to help identify how you can make a difference and get going on it! 


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