Lens on Leadership 

A weekly dose of leadership inspiration.

Short and sweet, these posts are the perfect snapshot to keep you motivated and inspired on your leadership journey! 



Lens on Leadership: stop doomscrolling now!

Jun 19, 2024

I don’t know about you, but I find myself doomscrolling more and more these days and feeling helpless as I look at the news. There’s so much I can’t change, so much that seems to be wrong with the world. BUT! I use this quote to remind myself of how to get out of that funk. By focusing on what I can do, how I can make a difference- big or small, I feel a little bit better. I can put my phone down and strive for a life worth living. 

Albright reminds us that the very act of striving – of pushing ourselves beyond comfort zones, learning from setbacks, and refusing to settle – is what defines our commitment to living a meaningful life.

I created a guide to help us do just this! Make your aspirations into actions with my step by step guide: https://www.haileymortonlevinson.com/action


Have you ever been in a situation where analysis paralysis set in? A looming decision with so many options it felt impossible to choose? As women in leadership, we often face the pressure to be "perfect" – to have all the answers and make flawless choices. But here's the secret: decisiveness isn't about getting it right every single time, it's about taking action and moving forward.

Here's why being decisive is a superpower you deserve to wield:

  •  Empowers your team: When you make clear decisions, your team has direction and a sense of purpose. It eliminates confusion and allows them to focus their energy on execution.
  •  Boosts confidence: Taking ownership of choices builds your self-belief. Even if the outcome isn't perfect, you learn and grow from the experience.
  •  Commands respect: Decisiveness shows you're capable of navigating challenges and inspiring trust in your leadership.

So, how do you become a more decisive leader? Here are some steps:

  •  Gather information, but set a deadline: Research is important, but avoid getting bogged down. Set a time limit for gathering data and then commit to a decision.
  •  Weigh the pros and cons: List the potential outcomes of each option. This clarifies the risks and rewards, making it easier to choose.
  •  Trust your gut: Intuition plays a big role in decision-making. Pay attention to your instincts, but balance them with research and logic.
  •  Embrace calculated risks: Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. Sometimes, the best decisions come from calculated risks.
  •  Learn from every choice: Every decision is a learning experience. Analyze what worked and what didn't to refine your approach in the future.

Remember, being decisive doesn't mean being rash. It's about striking a balance between thoughtful consideration and taking action. By embracing decisiveness, you become a stronger, more confident leader who empowers your team and inspires success.

Women do better when they have a group of strong female friends, study finds

I don’t think it’s a surprise that women do better when they have a strong group of female friends, but I was surprised that this article noted that women are more successful, get higher salaries, and more when they have a close group of ladies. It’s based on a Harvard Business Study and interesting to dive into. Take a look and then send to your ladies text chain. 😉

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