Lens on Leadership 

A weekly dose of leadership inspiration.

Short and sweet, these posts are the perfect snapshot to keep you motivated and inspired on your leadership journey! 



Lens on Leadership: Are you ready to pave it? Brave it?

May 16, 2024

Snaps for this one! đŸ«°đŸ» I love how empowering and optimistic this quote feels and how it lights a fire in me when I read it. You too? 

Gorman's message is a rallying cry for action, a call to arms for those who refuse to be spectators in  life. It's a reminder that the future is not predetermined, but rather, it's a canvas waiting to be painted by those with the audacity to dream and the determination to pursue those dreams relentlessly.

Each of us possesses within us the power to enact change, to challenge the status quo, and to usher in a new era of possibility. Whether it's through acts of kindness, advocacy for justice, or innovation in our respective fields, our actions have the potential to reverberate far beyond the confines of our immediate surroundings.

One person, armed with nothing but conviction and resilience, can spark a chain reaction that ignites hearts, galvanizes minds, and reshapes the trajectory of history. It's not about the magnitude of one's influence, but rather, the sincerity of their intent and the steadfastness of their resolve. 

So, how will you pave the future? 

I’ve always been an advocate for self-care and have found ways that work for me- exercise, consistent morning routines, time outside, drinking lots of water, setting clear boundaries, etc. With the ebb and flow of life, I have phases where I’m really hitting all those routines and others where I’m not. When stress rises or things feel out of balance, I can usually trace it back to letting one or more of my tactics fail. When this happens, I try to give myself grace rather and beat myself up and get back on track with what makes me feel cool, calm, and collected. 

I noticed the balance getting out of wack the last couple of weeks as my schedule has been full, the issues we’re dealing with on town council have been intense, and I’m gearing up to head out of town. It’s been a bit of a perfect storm to really amp up the stress. Oh and of course add in some sleepless nights because I have three children! đŸ€Ș. You get the picture. So I’m focusing on the things that make me feel my best to make the wave of stress a little softer. Can you relate? What are some self-care tactics you take to make sure you’re showing up as your best self? 

My guide, Resilient Leadership: 5 practices for success is a great resource to set up your routines and make sure you’re taking care of yourself so you can be the leader you wan to be! 


How to stop overthinking and dial down chatter

Do you ever overthink, ruminate, relive scenarios? Yeah, me too. I was excited to see this episode pop up recently as I definitely fall into the trap of overthinking and getting a little too caught up in my thoughts sometimes, and not for the better. Check out this episode and let me know if it resonated with you! 

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