Lens on Leadership 

A weekly dose of leadership inspiration.

Short and sweet, these posts are the perfect snapshot to keep you motivated and inspired on your leadership journey! 



Lens on Leadership: 5 ways to know when to say yes

Sep 05, 2024

This week I’m coming to you from Las Vegas where it’s 106 degrees outside but always cool inside. I’m here for a conference on how municipal leaders can impact and improve early childhood learning opportunities. Pretty cool! But I’m sharing this quote today because I almost said no to the opportunity to participate. The risk comes from giving my time when time is my most precious commodity.

So much of my ability to serve as Mayor, run a small business, and have time for my family rests on me saying NO to a lot of things. I fiercely protect my time which in turn protects my mental space which then allows me to show up in all the ways I do. However, the key is knowing when to say YES instead of NO. If we say yes to all things, burnout and overwhelm are inevitable. If we say no to all things, we don’t have the opportunity to grow and try new things. Not sure when to say yes or no? You’re in good company!

Here are 5 ways I consider an opportunity: 

  1. Alignment with Core Values and Vision: If the opportunity aligns with the leader’s core values and long-term vision, it’s a strong indicator that saying yes will contribute positively to their goals. Opportunities that resonate with a leader's purpose are more likely to bring fulfillment and success.
  2. Potential for Growth and Learning: When an opportunity presents the chance to acquire new skills, knowledge, or experience, it’s often worth pursuing. Leaders should say yes to opportunities that challenge them to grow, as this continuous learning keeps them adaptable and innovative.
  3. Ability to Leverage Strengths: A leader should consider saying yes when the opportunity allows them to utilize their existing strengths while also pushing the boundaries of what they can achieve. This creates a balance between comfort and challenge, enabling leaders to excel and expand their capabilities.
  4. Timing and Capacity: Leaders should assess whether they have the time, resources, and energy to commit fully to the opportunity. If the timing is right and they can dedicate the necessary attention without overwhelming themselves, it’s a good time to say yes.
  5. Positive Impact on Others: If the opportunity has the potential to positively impact others, whether within their team, organization, or community, it’s often worth saying yes. Leaders are in a position to make a difference, and opportunities that amplify their ability to serve others should be embraced.

Speaking of opportunities! I have one for you below if you’re in the Jackson area! Keep reading đŸ‘‡đŸ»

So now that we know what to consider when saying yes to an opportunity, let’s consider why it’s important for your growth as a leader.

  1. Expands Your Skill Set and Expertise: Saying yes to new opportunities pushes you to step outside your comfort zone, allowing you to develop new skills and broaden your expertise. Each new challenge you embrace sharpens your abilities and enhances your overall competence, making you a more versatile and effective leader.
  2. Builds Your Confidence and Resilience: When you take on new opportunities, you prove to yourself that you can handle unfamiliar situations and overcome obstacles. This builds your confidence and resilience, reinforcing your belief in your capabilities as a leader, even in the face of adversity.
  3. Positions You for Greater Influence and Success: Embracing opportunities often leads to new connections, experiences, and achievements that can elevate your standing as a leader. By consistently saying yes, you position yourself for greater influence, opening doors to more significant roles and responsibilities that further your leadership journey.


The Teton Leadership Center is hosting their annual leadership summit at the end of September and you don’t want to miss it! They gave me a code to share with you for $50 off your ticket. Use HAILEY in the promo code section at check out! I hope to see you there! Think of this as your opportunity to say yes 😉

From The Teton Leadership Center:

Join us at the Fall Summit, Human Intelligence: Bold Leadership for a Purpose-Driven Future, where we’ll gather to explore the frontiers of human possibility, organizational transformation, and cultural shift. The Tetons will provide an inspirational backdrop for networking with business-minded individuals and entrepreneurs interested in spurring innovation to enhance our communities and environments, and create a roadmap for personal, team and systems transformation in this rapidly accelerating, uncertain, and extraordinary world. 

Learn from world-class speakers, transformative workshops, facilitated discussion with regional coaches and leadership experts, and social networking events.

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