Lens on Leadership 

A weekly dose of leadership inspiration.

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Lens On Leadership: 5 Ways Optimism Transforms Communities

Aug 14, 2024

Did you know? I am a member of our local Rotary Club and I always say it's where all the cool kids hang out! 🤪 What is often seen as a old white guys club (no offense), Rotary is a service organization of community and business leaders effecting change in their individual communities and throughout the world. 

I drank the Rotary kool-aid long ago since my dad has been a member most of my life. While each club is different, I'm proud to say ours is diverse in age, gender, and professions. It's one of the only places I can go and chat with an 80 something former newspaper mogul retiree on one side and a 30 something nonprofit leader on the other. But I digress... 

The reason I bring up Rotary this week is because our weekly inspiration was about optimism and the fact that more optimistic people live longer and have better health outcomes- impressive. This got me thinking about how leaders can harness optimism for better outcomes too. 

As leaders, we can harness optimism to achieve better outcomes by integrating it into our leadership style, community engagement, and decision-making processes. Here’s how we can do this effectively:

  1. Set a Positive Vision: By articulating a clear and optimistic vision for our community's future, we inspire hope and action. When we focus on what’s possible, we motivate our community members to work together towards shared goals, fostering a sense of unity and purpose. I have had three successful local campaigns and each has focused on an optimistic vision and hopeful future rather than the negative.
  2. Lead by Example: As leaders, our behavior sets the tone for the entire community. By demonstrating optimism, especially during difficult times, we can inspire those around us to adopt a similar outlook. This positive attitude helps our community stay resilient and proactive, even in the face of adversity. 
  3. Empower and Uplift: When we believe in the potential of our community, we can provide the support, resources, and encouragement needed to help everyone succeed. By empowering individuals and groups to take initiative and pursue bold ideas, we create an environment where innovation and progress thrive.
  4. Maintain a Balanced Perspective: While it’s important to be optimistic, we must also acknowledge the challenges and risks we face. By balancing optimism with realism, we build trust and credibility within our community. This balanced perspective allows us to make informed decisions that lead to long-term, sustainable success.
  5. Foster a Positive Community Culture: We can create a culture of optimism by celebrating successes, encouraging open dialogue, and promoting a can-do attitude across our community. When positivity is ingrained in our culture, it not only boosts morale but also drives higher engagement and collective action towards our community’s goals.

Leadership is often romanticized as a solitary journey—a single person at the helm, navigating challenges with unwavering confidence. However, the reality is far from this idealized notion. The most effective leaders understand that they don’t have to do it alone. In fact, the strength of your leadership is magnified when you reach out to others, drawing on their wisdom, support, and expertise.

Why It’s Important to Reach Out

  1. Diverse Perspectives: No matter how experienced or knowledgeable you are, your perspective is inherently limited by your own experiences. By reaching out to others—whether colleagues, mentors, or even team members—you invite a range of viewpoints that can broaden your understanding and help you make more informed decisions. This diversity of thought is a powerful tool in navigating complex challenges and identifying innovative solutions.

  2. Shared Burden: Leadership can be demanding, both emotionally and physically. When you carry the weight of decision-making and responsibility on your own, it can lead to burnout and diminished effectiveness. By sharing your challenges with others, you lighten the load. This not only preserves your well-being but also empowers those around you to take ownership and contribute meaningfully to the collective success.

  3. Building Trust and Collaboration: When you reach out to others, you’re not just seeking help—you’re fostering a culture of trust and collaboration. People are more likely to invest in your vision when they feel included and valued. This collaborative approach strengthens relationships and builds a team that’s more resilient, adaptable, and committed to achieving common goals.

Reaching out to others doesn’t diminish your authority or competence—it enhances it. By embracing the input and support of those around you, you make better decisions, cultivate a stronger team, and ultimately lead with greater effectiveness. Remember, leadership is not about doing everything yourself; it’s about guiding others toward a shared vision.


A few weeks ago I shared about Reshma Suaujani and her book about being brave. If you didn't catch it, you can check it out here.  And today, I'm sharing with you one of her organizations, MOMS F1RST which is shining a light on issues of motherhood, how we value (or undervalue) care work, and what we can do to make change that will impact us all- mothers or not. MOMS F1RST is making care a priority in this year's election and lifting up families. Check it out! 


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