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Hailey Morton Levinson Will Not Seek Reelection as Mayor of Jackson

Apr 17, 2024

Hailey Morton Levinson Will Not Seek Reelection as Mayor of Jackson

Morton Levinson served Jackson for 12 Years on Issues of Working Families, Housing, Childcare, and Health and Human Services

Jackson, Wyoming – After 12 years of dedicated service to the community of Jackson, Hailey Morton Levinson will not be seeking reelection as Mayor.

Reflecting on her decision, Mayor Morton Levinson shared, "It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as Mayor of my hometown for the past four years and eight years before that as a Town Council Member. I am incredibly proud of the progress we have made together as a community, and I look forward to continuing my leadership over the next eight months as we complete the Town's 2024 goals." 

Mayor Morton Levinson has consistently championed the needs of working families, focusing on critical issues like childcare and health and human services. Her strong advocacy and voting record resulted in numerous housing projects, bringing hundreds of new, affordable units to Jackson. Hailey stated, “I am proud of shifting the lens through which we look at issues; whether it’s zoning or parking, anti-discrimination or equality, I have centered people first and how each project or regulation will affect the people of our community.”

Morton Levinson’s reach and service can also be felt statewide through the Wyoming Association of Municipalities, where she has served as a board member for ten years. She has prioritized relationships across the state and championed Jackson across Wyoming.

Her leadership has also been a powerful example, demonstrating that young women can effectively lead their communities while balancing family and business responsibilities. Hailey started and grew her family all while serving in elected office.

Looking ahead to 2025, Hailey Morton Levinson is excited to focus on her family and the operation of her family's Inn on the Creek business. Additionally, she is committed to leveraging her experiences as an elected official to empower other women to seek leadership positions in Jackson and beyond. Morton Levinson recently launched a podcast and website, haileymortonlevinson.com, where she shares stories, information, and quotes to inspire future leaders.

In reflecting on her decision, Hailey Morton Levinson expressed gratitude to the residents of Jackson for their unwavering support and trust throughout her tenure. She remains committed to serving the community in new capacities and looks forward to Jackson's continued progress and prosperity under its future leadership.

About Hailey Morton Levinson

Hailey Morton Levinson has served the Town of Jackson, WY, since 2012 as a Town Council Member and as Mayor. A dedicated public servant and advocate for her community, Hailey has worked tirelessly to address the needs of Jackson residents and promote inclusive leadership. In addition to her political career, she runs her family's business, Inn on the Creek, and is a proud mother of three. Hailey is passionate about empowering women to pursue leadership roles and continues to drive positive change in Jackson and beyond.

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