Lens on Leadership 

A weekly dose of leadership inspiration.

Short and sweet, these posts are the perfect snapshot to keep you motivated and inspired on your leadership journey! 



Lens on Leadership: 🫶🏻Who will YOU inspire today?

inspiration leadership Mar 06, 2024

It's International Women's Month and tomorrow is International Women's Day. Yay! While I think celebrating and empowering women is something for everyday of the year (and I bet you do too), I do like to jump on the bandwagon in celebrating this month and day as well.

And to do so, who better to quote than Gloria Steinem? I love this quote because it makes me realize how simple it is to make a difference and impact. I sometimes get caught up in the planning, the thinking, the future of something that I forget just showing up each day with intention and taking one step each day will make a difference. 

As I reflect on my 12 years in elected office, those that make a difference choose to show up as their best selves each day, assume positive intent, and work together for our community. Politics is full of egos and while my ego is not immune, I like to think I show up more with my heart and my passion to make the world a better place. I don't grandstand or seek a lot of accolades. The community leaders I respect the most and see get the most done are those that show up each day and do something good, do something kind, and do something to make the world a better place. How are you showing up each day?

The theme for this year's International Women's Day is "Inspire Inclusion". I couldn't agree more with this! We need to include so many more voices at the table to really represent our communities. Inspiring that inclusion is key to making it happen, making it last, and making a difference. How will you inspire inclusion today? 

Empowering Your Leadership: How to Set SMART Goals and Turn Dreams into Reality

EEEK! I am starting a podcast! I will have a full launch soon but wanted to give you all a preview of what's to come. I'm super excited to bring useful tips and tricks as well as interview some really amazing lady leaders!

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